Gianfranco Quattrini

The Silent Party

The Silent Party

Hours before celebrating her wedding at her father’s estate, Laura goes for a walk and stumbles upon an unusual party. The music and atmosphere momentarily distract her from her tensions, until a violent incident drastically changes the course of the night, involving her father and her fiancé.

Gianfranco Quattrini
Gianfranco Quattrini
Play Video


Director: Diego Fried
Screenwriters: Nicolás Gueilburt, Luz Brennan, Diego Fried y Gianfranco Quattrini
Cast: Jazmín Stuart, Gerardo Romano, Esteban Bigliardi, Gastón Cocchiarale, Lautaro Bettoni
Producers: Martin Aliaga, Roxana Ramos
Cinematographer: Manuel Rebella
Art Director: Soledad Guerrero
Music: Pedro Onetto
Production Companies: Aramos Cine, Manjericao Films
Produced with the support of: INCAA

Genre: Thriller
Country: Argentina
Year: 2020
Duration: 87′


A powerful genre-film that invites reflection and debate.
Rolando Gallego – Lúdico News (Argentina)

A thriller with social undertones whose point of view – that of the victim – gives the narrative a welcomed moral ambiguity.
Ezequiel Boetti – (Argentina)

An intense thriller that maintains tension throughout its course.
Alejandro Lingenti – La Nación (Argentina)

An intense, intelligent, and also disturbing film.
Catalina Dlugi – El Portal (Argentina)

A cathartic and wild experience.
Bruno Calabrese – Cine Argentino Hoy (Argentina)